3 Note-Taking Tips From Ryan Holiday

Sean Oliver
1 min readJun 12, 2023

The secret behind Ryan Holiday’s success — a net worth of $7 million and authoring 14+ books — is rooted in an effective note-taking strategy.

His approach allows him to remember and apply the vast amount of information he consumes.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Active Reading: Holiday takes notes while reading. He jots down resonating points, converting passive reading into an engaging activity. These notes serve as anchors to the text, enhancing recall.
  2. Revising Notes: Holiday goes beyond marginal scribbles. He revisits and reviews his notes, reinforcing the information and organizing thoughts. This step deepens his connection with the material.
  3. Linking Notes: Holiday advises creating links between your notes and pre-existing knowledge. This interweaving of ideas helps with better comprehension and stimulates creativity.

The takeaway? Emulate the practice. Integrate this note-taking system into your routine, and watch how it amplifies your learning. The key to knowledge isn’t just consumption but connection and application. And as Holiday’s success showcases, effective note-taking can be the catalyst to extraordinary achievements.

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Sean Oliver

Sean Oliver is a Sr Business Analytics Lead in Seattle, WA