Build Stronger Bonds With Coworkers With These 3 Details
Working with awesome coworkers is like finding a surprise $20 in your pocket.
You can surprise & delight your coworkers by being a good human and demonstrating genuine interest in them as a person. It takes almost zero time, and most folks share these details freely.
Detail #1-Pet Names. Folks love their pets. Many think of them as family. Remembering your coworker’s pet’s name is an easy way to show you care.
Detail #2-Important Relatives. Any coworker can ask, “Hey how is your <insert relative type>?” But if you want to make it more personal, use a name they’ve shared. “Doug” beats, “That dude you keep talking about” every time. Be sure to avoid nicknames.
Detail #3-Favorite snacks. Easily my favorite detail about folks is what their favorite treat is. This also makes gift-giving simple. A Costco-sized gift of their favorite dessert is often a winner. My favorite way to get this detail is to ask “Would you rather have this, or that” with two options for kinds of snacks. That’s how you uncover someone’s love of All-Dressed Chips.