How To Get Almost Anything You Want In Life
Is there something you want in your life right now?
A better job? A move? More time with family and friends? I’ve got news for you.
You absolutely can have what you desire.
You need to do two things. You can’t skip either step so pay attention.
Step one
Find out the cost of what you want.
Step two
Pay that cost.
That’s it. Most people at this point have generated about 7 “But’s”. If we are honest, that’s why they don’t have what they claim to be seeking.
But I don’t have. But I don’t know. But I’m not sure. But, but, but.
Find the cost of what you want. Pay that cost.
You can decide the price is too high. That’s fair. Do understand that’s really no different than complaining about the weather. Weather is the weather.
Excuses aren’t accepted forms of payment for your goals.
The price of your dreams, goals, desires. Well, that’s the price. You don’t have to pay for it.
The question is, will you? Is what you claim to want worth your time, effort, and energy? Or do you need bigger dreams? Do you need to do more work? These questions and the answers are for you and you alone.
What are you willing to pay for?