How To Work In-Person Again: A Guide

Sean Oliver
1 min readMay 19, 2022

Remote work is a nice gig if you can get it.

Many of us have returned to the office in this brave new Hybrid Work World. Some of us have forgotten over the years many of the customs and courtesies of working in a place (not our home) with people who aren’t our dog/spouse/partner/family.

It shows.

This is a collection of 15 tips to help you reintroduce yourself to the general population of the office.

15 tips for better office working

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Don’t toot in public
  3. Inside voices, please
  4. Use your headphones
  5. Clean up after yourself
  6. Remember: People are weird
  7. Gum & mints are your friends
  8. Phone rooms are so we don’t have to hear you
  9. Remember your pleasantries. Please & thank you, excuse me
  10. Remember your greetings. Hi friend. good morning. How are you?
  11. Learn the appropriate use of fragrance/deodorant/perfume/cologne
  12. Silence your ring tone-not everyone wants to hear your backstreet boys
  13. Phone rooms aren’t for you to camp out in all day like you’re in your attic
  14. Biz Casual means tops and bottoms (Looking at you Mr. socks with crocs guy)
  15. Feign interest in other people’s stuff & things. OOH, interesting mug, is that from Etsy?

Kindness and consideration grease the wheels of capitalism!

Reply and let me know what you would add.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

