Improve This One Thing And Annoy Your Coworkers Less
If you make this one change you’ll improve your chances of annoying your coworkers and friends.
You are going to write your emails a tiny bit better. I know you don’t think it’s important. But think about how many emails you read TODAY where you were struggling to understand the point.
Unfortunately, most people don’t think about the reader.
They barely think about the writing. You’re going to change all that, and start writing better emails today.
No one woke up dying to read your email.
You and I both woke up with plenty to do today before we got a single mail.
- The average email has 434 words
- Those emails take around 3 min to read
- The average person received 78.1 emails per day, including spam
If you put into practice one suggestion, you will avoid the challenges above.
Here’s how step by step:
Step 1: Write the bottom line upfront
State your purpose early, and as briefly as possible.
In a world where your email is competing with a 30-second video, it’s in your best interest to be clear, concise, and quick.
Step 2: Write a short, meaningful subject line
This is your first chance to compel me to read your mail.
RE:RE:RE: isn’t going to get it done. Do better. Make your intentions or needs known.
Step 3: Have a clear call to action
Most importantly, make it clear what you want me to DO having read this mail.
It could just be an FYI. In case you want me to take any action, do me a favor and be clear about what you think this action is.
Simple steps. Any will improve your mail. All will make you a dang hero.
What steps would you add?
Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog